Shoutout for Pagan Artists, Authors, Musicians & Creatives

Public Domain image courtesy of Wikimedia CommonsThis morning, I was discussing with a friend the frustration of many Pagan and metaphysical artists, musicians, authors, and creators. His complaint is that too many businesses that service our industry are not good at business and offer no assistance whatsoever in getting our work out there to the wider public.

Yes, I know that there is always social media, and many creators in our community avail themselves of it as much as they possibly can.  There are more than enough websites and “services” that offer to help us get more traffic to what we are doing. However, these usually charge a premium.

Here at Alchemia Magic, I want to feature our creative folks and their businesses through interviews, shoutouts, and direct links to their shops and websites. I believe the best person to handle their business is the person who owns that business.

I also believe that our community is crying out for quality tools, products, and other merchandise for their personal practices, and they have no idea where to start.   Of course, there is nothing wrong with buying something from Amazon or at your local metaphysical or witch shop. Often, however, these products are mass-produced and are missing that spark that only an artist can provide. An added issue is that our communities are spread out across the globe. There are shows, gatherings, and festivals, but sometimes creatives just cannot spare the time and expense to go to these events.  While that sometimes poses a problem for those who really need that tactile experience of being able to see, touch, smell, and experience products, there is word of mouth and those of us who have been past customers who will happily extol the virtues of our craftspeople to others.

With that in mind, we at Alchemia Magic are interested in providing go-to links for our community, and we will not be charging for this.  Period. We are interested in interviewing folks and putting blog posts on our website about them and their work. Potential customers will be able to contact and work directly with artisans at their website or store. For those artists who do custom work, in our view, that is how it should be! 

If you are an artist, musician, or craftsperson or know someone in our community whose work you absolutely love, please drop a comment, reach out by email, or ping me on Facebook, and we will chat.

The time has come for our community to start pulling together and promoting each other. This is all a part of what building a viable and resilient community is all about.