The Magic of Moldavite

By now you’ve probably heard someone talking about the crystal known as moldavite. You might even have seen a YouTube Video or people on TikTok telling you all the wonderful things about it.
While social media trends can really drive the popularity of any given crystal and moldavite had been no exception. So what’s the big deal about this stone and why does almost everyone seem obsessed with it? Here’s some information about this stone and why its popularity has recently gone off the charts.
What is Moldavite?
What Are the Properties of Moldavite?

Moldavite acts as an accelerator, especially when it comes to awakening your spiritual gifts and connecting to the Divine or All-That-Is. Some people who wear moldavite feel a sense of “coming home”.
Because moldavite is connected to the stars, it can be a little intense to work with. Such a connection is not something that needs to be rushed. Give yourself time to become accustomed to the energies of the stone. It is definitely not uncommon to feel overwhelmed by moldavite. If that happens, simply limit your time with the stone until you feel comfortable.
Moldavite works very well with the upper chakras. These include the heart, throat, third eye, and crown chakras.
At stores like ReAlive Metaphysical, they will only ever offer genuine moldavite from reputable suppliers who offer only genuine, high-quality stones. They are also committed to giving our customers as much information as possible about what they buy and are happy to answer any questions their customers might have.