Building from the ground up

Public Domain image via Wikimedia CommonsI am definitely no stranger to herbalism, witchcraft, books, or the shops that carry each or even all of them. I was 21-years-old when I walked into the Psychic Institute of Las Vegas, located in a strip mall on Maryland Parkway. Looking back, the shop didn’t have a whole lot of merchandise. They had a few books, a few statues,  incense, and other things – but mainly their stock in trade was the money that they made off of tarot readings and classes.

I remember my first tarot reading was from there from a woman named Judith. She was absolutely beautiful, with long honey-colored hair and she wore these chic and trendy Moroccan dresses from designer Laise Adzer.  Judith did my reading with the Aquarian Tarot deck, and I never forgot the muted colors and the Art Deco feel of that deck.  Back then,  I was so new to things occult and metaphysical – and a very brand new baby in the Craft. I knew nothing about anything. I remember buying ‘Ancient Egyptian Mysteries” by Lucie Lamy, not realizing what a journey that one purchase and that reading would set me on.

Decades later, with lots of magical study and work, years of experience working in bookstores and metaphysical shops, for a bulk herbal supplier, studying as an herbalist, a filmmaker, and as an author, professional tarot reader, teacher, and content creator, it all led me to this place. That nothing happened before now was because I was afraid of my own voice in the public square. Oh, I had no problem speaking up and fighting for what I believe is right. As many people can tell you, being on social media and exposed to constant public criticism can make you stop yourself on the precipice; even if you know you are fully capable of flying.

I think it took listening to and studying the work of Josephine McCarthy and her Quareia magical school, as well as reading great books such as “Six Ways” by Aidan Wachter. Having access to these two astute magicians as well as many others who are very astute teachers in their own right, kind of kicked aside some of the doubts I had about what to do with this business. It has been a long, slow process that has encompassed ears. As of today, Alchemia Magic is finally a reality. It’s still technically under construction and new products are being added constantly, so I am asking for patience as we do so. If you don’t see an herb, book, or product you are looking for, drop us a line and we will be sure to do our best to get it to you.

Special thanks go out to my spouse, my son, and to Shayne Lawrence for her gorgeous web design know-how and for helping me sort through it all while keeping me on task.   That’s no easy feat most days!

Dua Netjer en ekh! (Thank the gods for you!)