Herb of the Week- Sandalwood (Santalum album)
Botanical Name: Santalum Album Planetary Influences: Jupiter and the Moon Element: Water Magical Uses: Purification, Consecration, Initiatory, Spiritual Awareness, Abundance, Funerary Sandalwood is a set species of wood known as Santalum. The aromatic wood is considered one of the most valued botanicals in the world. Sacred to various religions such as Hinduism, this herb has […]

Herb of the Week – Alkanet Root (Alkanna tinctoria)
Gender: Feminine Element: Water Planetary: Venus Astrological: Libra, Virgo, Taurus, Cancer, Pisces, & Scorpio Deities: Aphrodite/Venus, Hathor, Sekhmet, Horus, Durga, & Lakshmi Magical Properties: Good fortune, love, prosperity, & protection This is an herb that is not as well-known today as it was in antiquity. In ancient Greece this herb was all the rage, particularly […]

Herb of the Week – Ginger (Zingiber officianale)
Gender: Masculine Planet: Mars Deities: Durga, Sekhmet, Hathor, Athena, Ares, Aphrodite (Venus), Thor, Horus, Ra Magical Uses: Healing, Love, Money, Protection Tarot Card: The High Priestess Whether using this particular herb in the kitchen, as part of an herbal tea, or magically, ginger is a warming herb extraordinaire. Who can forget the warming taste […]

Herb of the Week: Anise Seed (Pimpinella anisum)
Gender: Masculine Planet: Jupiter and the Moon Element: Air Deities: Apollo, Mercury, Thoth Magical Properties: Purification, Protection, Power, Love, Romance, Consecration, Visionary This herb, Anise Seed (Pimpinella anisum), is used both in cooking and magic. Anise seed, though often confused with Star Anise is not related. It comes to us from the parsley family/ Anise […]

Herb of the Week – Calamus
Botanical Name: Arcorus calamus Common Names: Bee Wort, Bitter Pepper Root, Calamus, Sweet Flag, Myrtle Flag, Myrtle Grass, Gladdon, Sweet Cane, Sweet Grass, Sweet Root Gender: Feminine Planetary Influence: Sun and Moon Element: Water and Fire Magical Uses: Luck, healing, money, abundance, protection, controlling / compelling This is an important magical plant that has been […]
Herb of the Week – Vervain
Herb of the Week –Vervain –(Verbena hastata, & Verbena officinalis) This herb has long been with us throughout the world’s cultures. Among its common names are Witch’s or Enchanter’s Herb, Herb of the Cross, Juno’s Tears, Herb of Grace, and counter-magic herb. The Greeks, Romans, Egyptians, Hebrews, and Indigenous Native Americans all used vervain in […]

The Timeless Allure of Blue Lotus
The flower, commonly referred to as the Egyptian Blue Lotus, has long been associated with intoxicating beauty and enchantment. From the banks of the Nile in Pharaoh’s garden to accompany him in temple rights and even into the afterlife. It might be somewhat surprising to know that this plant, Nymphaea caerulea. is actually not a […]

Herb of the Week – Angelica
Angelica (Angelica archangelica) root is widely used both medicinally and magically. It is a powerful protector and healer, especially of women and children. It is unfortunately often confused with Dong Quai (Angelica sinensis), which while it is in the same family, is not exactly the same thing. In terms of protecting the home, according to […]

Herb of the Week – Balm of Gilead
Balm of Gilead (Commiphora opobalsamum) is a particularly fragrant herb. The buds, from the Black Poplar Tree (Populus nigra), are also known as catkins and contain the phytochemical, psilocin, which is related to the same chemical found in white willow bark and more conventionally in asprin. This is mainly because both the Black Poplar and […]

Herb of the Week – Agrimony
Agrimony (Agrimonia eupatoria) is one of the herbs that everyone doing any magic or herbal work should have on hand. This herb is in the rose family and is well known to be a jinx or curse breaker extraordinaire. According to Hoodoo author, Catherine Yronwode, this herb can also turn back slander and gossip and […]